Probably the best that can be said for the HD re-release’s presentation is that it hasn’t changed in any way that takes away from the original. Improving the resolution of RE4‘s textures and menu text does only what it’s required to do-update the game so that it plays nice with modern computer resolutions-but really serves only as a fresh coat of paint that spruces up what was already pretty stellar to begin with.

The guns pop, bang, or crack through the air with a satisfying sense of weight, the groans of monsters reverberate from the distance, and the gloriously ham-fisted dialogue is delivered in perfect deadpan by the voice actors. When accompanied with excellent audio design that mixes a moody background soundtrack with outstanding sound effects, the game’s aesthetic remains one of the medium’s most confident and fully realized to date. RE4‘s faux-Spain-populated with misty lakes, foreboding castles, and run-down villages-is one of videogames’ great settings. Kennedy) through a fight to save the President’s daughter from a diabolical cult. The story is still a goofball send-up of horror genre B-movies that enjoyably takes players (in the role of one-line spouting federal agent Leon S.